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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

How can I control my sugar intake ?

Thai people consume up to 20 teaspoons of sugar per day! It is three times more than the amount that the body needs each day. Consuming too much sugar has a negative effect on the body.  Gradually reduce the amount For those who are addicted

Benefits of red beans.

Red beans are a grain that Thai people know well. We often find red beans in desserts such as boiled in sugar. Red bean paste, red bean paste, or red bean ice cream. But apart from being delicious, sweet, oily, and smooth on the tongue, Red

Herbs to nourish the brain and prevent Alzheimer’s.

Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine. Therefore, we recommend 3 types of herbs to prevent Alzheimer’s disease:  Gotu Kola is an herb that Thai people know very well. Popularly eat as food and drinks. Has properties that help nourish the body. Relieve fatigue and

How to use dental floss correctly?

Choose the right dental floss for us. There are both nylon fiber types of dental floss. Which are smoother and easier to use. But are thinner and more easily broken. Suitable for beginners to use. and single-fiber plastic that is stronger, tougher, and more durable.

Clear face with 8 ways that no matter what gender can do

Having a clear face is more than half the battle won. Yes, the more any girl has a fresh, clear face, jingle can help build confidence for herself a lot more. But what can you do to make your face look beautiful and clear without having to

5 lifting methods to reduce the risk of ‘back pain’

Whether sitting in the same position for a long time consecutively exercise injuries excessive body weight And another reason that everyone likes to overlook is heavy lifting and lifting things in an inappropriate position It can result in back pain , which people from various occupations There is a risk of developing this disease

Say goodbye to old age! With 5 cool tips like this

Say goodbye to old age! With 5 cool tips like this, you must try. increasing age deteriorated skin considered a national problem. that caused quite a bit of concern Until causing many people to search for techniques and methods that will help slow down aging and return youth to themselves

Olive oil, a healthy choice for all ages

Olive oil, a healthy choice for all ages, recommended by everyone. At a time when Thai people still have to see concerning health and safety In the midst of the new wave of COVID-19 outbreaks. People still focus on Come to improve health and stimulate the mind. More protection too In